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RQM: How to create project area template?

Timur Markunin (6495166146) | asked Jul 12 '12, 5:06 a.m.

How could I create RQM project area template from existing project? I use CLM V4

-thanks in advance

3 answers

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VK L (8177156159) | answered Jul 12 '12, 8:19 a.m.
Hi Timur,
                 Open the project area and there should be an option to extract process template and this can be saved as a new template - then used further for other project areas.


Timur Markunin commented Jul 12 '12, 8:45 a.m.

I meant Rational Quality Manager. I need project template that will be accessible in "Lifecycle Project Creation" wizard and will contain customized test categories and test artifacts templates

Timur Markunin commented Jul 12 '12, 9:01 a.m.

Thanks! How could I open RQM project area in RTC Client?

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Jul 12 '12, 8:45 a.m.
Valli answered you question, See Process templates for more details

Timur Markunin commented Jul 12 '12, 9:10 a.m.

Thanks! How could I open RQM project area in RTC Client?

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PRASANTA CHAUDHURI (11032025) | answered Jul 12 '12, 9:12 a.m.
Hi Timur,
Open the QM admin url --> Click on Template Tab --> Select the Row of the process you want to export --> take mouse to the right of the row --> Export the process Template .
The exported zip process you can import in other m/c using import from process template Tab,
This is one way .

Other way --> Open RTC thick client --> Create a repository connection as https://<Host>:9443/qm --> then add QM project Area --> Select the project area --> Right Click --> Export --> Give "name " while export --> Go to process template view of RTC --> Select the "name"ed one process --> Right Click --> Export to a folder --> Zip --> Bring to other Rational QM m/c and import through Process Template Tab



Timur Markunin commented Jul 12 '12, 9:35 a.m.

thanks a lot!

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