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Eclipse Client 6.0.6 with Jazz Server 602 - CRJAZ2384E

Peter Turvey (99236) | asked Aug 14 '18, 10:12 a.m.

Is it possible to connect a new version of the Eclipse Client to an older Jazz Team Server / CLM applications ?

I have both Eclipse 602 client and Eclipse 606 client deployed on a workstation.
And my CLM applications (JTS / CCM / QM / RM and JRS) are all version 6.0.2

The 602 client can connect to my Server without any problems.

When I attempt to use exactly the same username/password credentials with my new 606 Eclipse client I get an error :
CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL

Peter Turvey commented Aug 14 '18, 10:23 a.m. | edited Aug 14 '18, 3:13 p.m.

Message continues .....

When I attempt to use exactly the same username/password credentials with my new 606 Eclipse client I get an error :
CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL "https://<server-name>:9443/ccm see the nested exception for more details. Received fatal alert : handshake failure.

I used v1.8.9 of the Installation Manager.
The download was ""

Thanks Peter

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 14 '18, 3:13 p.m.
edited Aug 14 '18, 3:14 p.m.
No, this has never been supported which is documented in the system requirements which one should read when installing new versions anyway.

The client/server compatibility is N/N-1 to N. Client should be same version an earlier version is intended to be supported, if possible. Also see . You can find the system requirements in the download section, so I won't link it here.
Peter Turvey selected this answer as the correct answer

Peter Turvey commented Aug 15 '18, 4:52 a.m. | edited Aug 15 '18, 5:01 a.m.

Thanks for that Ralph.

Just out of interest, where in the system requirements does it say that the client/server compatibility is N/N-1 to N ?
I had downloaded a 244 page '.pdf' document called "Software Product Compatibility Reports, Detailed System Requirements - Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution 6.0.6"  and I didn't spot anything when I first went through it.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 15 '18, 5:03 a.m.


please use comments and not answers wherever possible.

My bad it is in the product documentation you can find it searching for "client compatibility":

Peter Turvey commented Aug 15 '18, 5:13 a.m.

OK. Thanks again.


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