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Updating IBM Installation Manager

I am trying to update the Installation Manager from v1.8.4 to v1.8.9 on a Server that does not have Internet access.
I downloaded "agent.installer.win32.win32.x86_64_1.8.9000.20180313_1417.zip" and unzipped the files.
I then ran up the old Installation Manager v1.8.4 and tried to "Add Repository" at "agent.installer.win32.win32.x86_64_1.8.9000.20180313_1417\repository.config". But I got an error saying that it is not a repository, it is an install package.
If I do as it suggests and run "Install.exe" instead does this remove the old v1.8.4 version of Installation Manager? Will this new v1.8.9 know about the packages that I have installed in the past (JTS 6.0.2 etc.) ?
Thanks Peter