Upgrading RTC
We are currently using v6.0.2 of CLM applications.
We have JTS, CCM, QM, RM and also the Jazz Reporting Service
I am planning on upgrading a test environment with a more recent version, i.e. version 6.0.6. So I’ve read the online instruction notes at https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.6/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/roadmap_clm_upgrade.html
Is the product installation media that I need to download this one : “JTS-CCM-QM-JRS-RELM-repo-6.0.6.zip” which I found at https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/ ?
Accepted answer
The description of the installation media reads:
"Jazz Team Server and CCM, QM, RM, RELM and JRS Applications; Trial licenses for Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and Rational DOORS Next Generation"
that is, everything you need (actually, I suppose that you don't need RELM).
Just check that it contains all the JRS modules you need (rs.war, dcc.war, lqe.war?).