CC synchronizer - build checking in brought over changes at 5% for 2days
I am importing one CC stream with history to RTC using the CC sync utility. The import appears to be stuck as its been at the same spot for 2days now and the import is still active.
Is there any logs on the CC sync host or Jazz server host or any other utility to see whats going on with the sync engine build?
Running RTC 605 ifix5 on RH6.8 using liberty and Oracle backend. The CC db server is running and we've installed the CC 605 sync utility on it.
I've run an import into another project in the same fashion without issue using the same versions.
Norman Dignard
Jun 04 '18, 2:27 p.m.Anybody have a idea in this. I've let it run over the weekend and still no progress. stuck at 5% importing changes with no other indicators of a problem.