How to fix OSCL authentication against JAS 6.0.5 ifix001 with ERROR 22001: A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink VARCHAR ?
Setup as follows:
Distributed JTS with Apps on Liberty authenticating against Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) 6.0.5 ifix001, using Derby. All on RHEL Linux.
Using an RTC Eclipse Client I can authenticate against either /ccm , /qm or /rm server fine.
Using a 3rd party integration in the same Eclipse Client (pure::variants) I get an authentication error and find in the JAS logfile: E Internal error adding token: A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink VARCHAR '{xor}OiYVNz0YPDYQNhUWCiUWbhE2FWZxOiYVJTsIFjYQNhULEQoZDwkaahQ&' to length 2048.
ERROR 22001: A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink VARCHAR '{xor}OiYVNz0YPDYQNhUWCiUWbhE2FWZxOiYVJTsIFjYQNhULEQoZDwkaahQ&' to length 2048.
at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source)
Did anybody encounter something similar? Do you have an idea what the underlying problem is or how to fix it?
Accepted answer
HI Arne
The workaround did the trick. I had to increase TOKENSTRING column to 16384 Bytes and then the error message went away. For this I used DBVisualizer. JAS Liberty had to be stopped for that measure because the embedded Derby does not like multiple connections apparently.
Thanks for the quick help!
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