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Jazz 605 email notifications

We're hitting a block with our exchange /firewall guys on getting emails re-enabled. Currently somewhere between Jazz and the exchange server - jazz emails are being blocked. We've asked that they disable is ASA ESMTP and SMTP Inspection or at least add an exemption to this for Jazz based emails but they kept stating SMTP is opened between the systems. SMTP is flowing between the systems in question. Can you please stop the private command XXXX <jts server>.
Can the email engine be configured to stop private cmds or is this the way the new email engine now works ?
Accepted answer

Apparently there is no "fix" to this. To get around this problem we stood up a postfix server and directed Jazz to it. The postfix server then forwards emails on to our mail relay to our Exchange server.
One other answer

Below is what our network group is seeing for Jazz emails and they've asked us to disable/stop the "private command":
Number: 7096657
Date: 8May2018
Time: 13:11:22
Interface: SMTP transparent proxy
Origin: EXTFW1
Type: Log
Action: Reject
Service: smtp (25)
Source Port: 34955
Source: AIMTEST_R2 (xxx.xxx.x.xxx)
Destination: SMTPRelay (xxx.xxx.xx.xx)
Protocol: tcp
Rule: 98
Rule UID: {2760B474-3143-4793-AA9E-8AE4B3BB92C4}
Current Rule Number: 98-EXTFW_2018_05_03_Nystedt_1
File Direction: DMZ to DMZ
Product: Security Gateway/Management
Reason: Private command : XXXX jazz-jts
Email Session ID: {5AF1DA3A-1A-2ED3A8C0-C0000003}
Recipients Number: 0
Control: SMTP Policy Restrictions
Product Family: Network
Policy Info: Policy Name: EXTFW_2018_05_03_Nystedt_1
Created at: Thu May 03 10:59:36 2018
Installed from: EXTMAN
My question is can this be done in the new Jazz email engine?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 17 '18, 3:24 a.m.I don't get anything in this question.