Using RPE template to export DNG module to Word - User Select Variable to print only certain artifacts
I am using RPE to export modules to Word. I plan on uploading the templates to DNG so users can do this themselves. In some cases, I want the user to be able to select an attribute from an enumerated list, or drop-down menu, and only export those artifacts pertaining to that attribute. For example:
I have a requirement spec which has requirements specific to different customers. These artifacts have an enumerated list customer attribute. Say I want to only export requirements pertaining to Customer 1. When exporting to Word, I want to be able to select Customer 1 from an enumerated list (or even multiple customers).
I know I can have external variables in my document template, but I don't know how to have that variable reflect the enumerated list attribute. How can I set an external variable to reflect an enumerated list attribute?
Any assistance would be appreciated. Are there resources somewhere that I can read up on this?
One answer
For enumerated list of values, you need to use itemId and literalName. You can use itemId for filtering. Use a RPE variable (custValues) and append the literalName (dataSource/artifact/collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/literalName) returned for the artifact, check if the value of external variable is a substring of custValues.