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How do you fix a nested bullet list from DNG as exported in RPE?

David Clark (2341352) | asked Aug 13 '21, 1:54 p.m.

 We have a nested bullet list in DNG for an artifact. In DNG it looks fine, the XML looks fine, but when exported the second <ul> gets tacked on to the last list.

Ex. (expected)
  • line 1
    • line 1.1
    • line 1.2
      • line 1.2.1
    • line 1.3
  • line 2
    • line 2.1
    • line 2.2
(what we get...)
  • line 1
    • line 1.1
    • line 1.2
      • line 1.2.1
    • line 1.3line 2
        • line 2.1
        • line 2.2

Accepted answer

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered Aug 13 '21, 2:02 p.m.

 Hi David,

When You have server on Windows this problem does not appear but I assume that Your server is on Linux.

I have this problem too for one of customers we are working with.

I suggest opening IBM ticket because we have this problem too. IBM was able to recreate the issue on Linux running server.

David Clark selected this answer as the correct answer

David Clark commented Aug 13 '21, 2:23 p.m.

 thanks I will put a ticket in.


Bartosz Chrabski commented Aug 13 '21, 2:39 p.m.

You can reference this ticket TS006234770

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