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How to generate report in RPE for specific RDNG module view

Vani B (1391274) | asked Jun 16 '17, 2:19 a.m.

procedure generate  report in RPE for specific RDNG module view instead of standard view.

3 answers

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Kumaraswamy Gowda (39115) | answered Jun 18 '17, 11:09 p.m.

Starting in Doors Next Generation (DNG) 6.0.4 users can execute external requests (standard web browser, IBM Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) or a third-party tool can consume the DNG reporting service responses) against views artifact format to create custom Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) report templates based on views data source schema.

DNG team has documented it here

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Kenji Sarai (96029) | answered Jun 22 '17, 2:03 a.m.

How about using RRDG report templates pre-defined in DNG? In DNG web, display the module with the view you want, click on "More Action" button (top right), and select "Generate a report for this view".

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Jonathon Atchley (31216) | answered Sep 26 '17, 1:38 p.m.
edited Sep 26 '17, 1:39 p.m.

After some trial and error queries, reading the rm.log output from the OOTB reports and the public 6.0.4 implementation, I've assessed this can be done in earlier versions (any version that uses the OOTB book & table reports, I would assume - at least 6.0.2)

The format is


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