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RTC-Gerrit-Git integration - Are git remote change sets shown in RTC Eclipse client?

Dudley Thomas (41614) | asked May 02 '18, 11:40 a.m.

I have the RTC-Gerrit (git) integration configured and functioning. Once the changes are submitted via Gerrit code review, I see the remote change sets linked to the RTC work item in the Web. However, in the RTC Eclipse client I do not see these links. Is this the expected behavior?


One answer

permanent link
Dudley Thomas (41614) | answered May 03 '18, 8:44 a.m.

 They do show as long as the client and server versions match. Using server 6.0.4 and client 6.0.2, links do not show. from client 6.0.4 they do.

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