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How to achieve automatic linking of HPQC Defect with Defect and Story in RTC

Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | asked Apr 23 '15, 10:21 a.m.
In our environment, we have HPQC integration with RTC using Tasktop.

So whenever a defect is logged in HPQC, it creates (and synchronizes) a defect in RTC.

Now we have to link the defects to a Story. Is there a way we can do it automatically, while defects are created?

We can customize HPQC attributes to include reference to the Story.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | answered May 11 '15, 6:16 a.m.
Got a reply from Tasktop.
They currently do not support linking in IBM RTC. Right now, we need to do it manually,
It may be coming up in future release.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

permanent link
OpsHub Inc (11) | answered Mar 23 '17, 4:56 a.m.

 Hi Shuchita,

Automatic linking of defect in HPQC with Story of RTC is possible. 
OpsHub Integration Manager provides out of the box integration between HPQC and RTC.
 - Sync of entities in the end system maintaining their current state.
 - History Supported.
 - Comments, links and attachments are supported.
 - Customized mapping is also available.
We provide many more features. You can reach out to us for your custom demo here:

Feel free to reach out to us to know more.


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