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Anyone using the RQM Jenkins plugin successfully?

Richard Good (872861) | asked Apr 12 '18, 12:36 p.m.


I am using RQM 6.0.2. I see little discussion about the RQM Jenkins plugin here (I am using version 2.8): -

I am trying to connect my RTC build and QM Tests together using Jenkins - I realise there are other ways of doing this. It's all about balancing ease of use with power.

It doesn't seem to work, I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions. it wants to automate RQM and get results back using a feed in the form: -

Fetching test suite execution records using this url: https://server:9443/qm/service/[title='Fetch-and-Automate']/*|testplan[title='Richards-Master-Plan']
Done fetching execution recordsFailed to retrieve relevant test data.
java.lang.SecurityException: Rejected: net.praqma.util.structure.Tuple; see
ERROR: Error in retrieving data from RQM, trace written to log

Anyone out there have a steer for me. Thanks for any help!


Accepted answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Apr 13 '18, 6:36 a.m.

 Unfortunately, this is a third-party plug-in that is not supported by RQM.  It appears to be dated and no longer supported.

There are no immediate plans for RQM/Jenkins integration support.  However, most customers use the RQM Execution Tool from Jenkins.

Eclipse Lyo project has implemented a Hudson OSLC Automation provider (see, which could be adapted to work with Jenkins.  

Richard Good selected this answer as the correct answer

Richard Good commented Apr 13 '18, 6:48 a.m.

Yes, don't think it can be made to work. I have an put the RQM execution jar file in the RTC build toolkit and use ANT to run a RTC build then some unit tests after successful completion. This gives you a lot more control than just triggering a  RQM Test Suite after a RTC Build and also connects things together on the Build Result. I want links to RQM and result detail on the RTC Build Result if possible. Using Jenkins to pull things together would seem the best way to do this for some problems. The RQM Jenkins plugin is open source I think, but not sure I have time to fix it. I'll stick with the execution tool, it is just temperamental and difficult to debug, doesn't like spaces in the project names for instance.

Paul Slauenwhite commented Apr 13 '18, 6:56 a.m.
For the argument issue:

Argument values (e.g. project area) containing whitespace must be enclosed in double quote characters.

If you run the tool from a Windows command prompt, some special characters (for example, ( ) = ; , ` ' % " * ? & \ < > ^ |) in the command are interpreted by the command prompt and you must preface them with a caret (for example, ^( ^) ^= ^; ^, ^` ^' ^% ^" ^* ^? ^& ^\ ^< ^> ^^ ^|).

If you run the tool from a UNIX shell, some special characters (for example, ~ ` # $ & * ( ) \ | [ ] { } ; ' " < > / ? *) in the command are interpreted by the shell and you must preface them with a backslash (for example, \~ \` \# \$ \& \* \( \) \\ \| \[ \] \{ \} \; \' \" \< \> \/ \? \*).

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