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How to check if hot fix or test fix is installed on CLM server

vikrant kamble (1323796) | asked Mar 27 '18, 10:29 a.m.

 Whenever we apply a ifix to CLM server, in the readme file first instruction is to check it there exists any hotfix or testfix in CLM server. If there exist any hotfix or testfix we have to contact IBM support. How to check if there exist a hotfix or testfix in clm server? Is it required to be removed before installing latest ifix?


2 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Mar 27 '18, 12:03 p.m.
edited Apr 12 '18, 8:13 a.m.

Hi Vikrant,
If we are talking about JTS/CCM/QM/RM then the ifixes and hotfixes are put into patch directory in your CLM server installation. If this folder is empty then it means that you do not have any installed. Otherwise you need to remove iFixes before installing newer iFix. For the hotfixes the issue is a bit more complicated as they are build on demand and you need to contact the support to check what you should do with the particular hotfix.
I hope that it helps :)

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Salman Shaikh (23413675) | answered Apr 12 '18, 8:30 a.m.
You can view this information while browsing to admin page of each application.
If you open JTS/admin - It will show you JTS version and ifix applied as well
RTC/admin - It will show you RTC version and ifix applied as well
RQM/admin - It will show you RQM version and ifix applied as well
RDNG/admin - It will show you RDNG version and ifix applied as well

Note: It can be different version for different applications because when you apply ifix for CLM it may have only fix for RTC and RDNG but nothing for RQM.
Just an example if you are applying ifix006 to CLM 6.0.5 and you will see like RTC - 6.0.5 ifix 006 , RQM 6.0.5 - ifix 005 RDNG 6,0.5 ifix 006 etc

I hope the answer is clear for you.

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