Same filename on different RTC Component folder
3 answers
Do you mean within a single stream, or across all streams?
Doing this at checkin time would be very expensive. Doing this at deliver time would be even more expensive. Just for interest's sake, why would you want such a precondition? The whole point of file system directories is so that you can have files with the same name in different directories.
Custom server level check-in preconditions/advisors can be created for RTC 6.0.5 and higher. This is described here:
Note that Karthik is right and the computational requirements/performance penalty will likely be huge dependent on the number of components and files per component.
Also note that the built in pre-conditon "Restrict Check-in of Resources With the Same Name" only looks at the same component on the same repository workspace and not in all the history of the component, likely for a similar reason.