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RTC 4.0.1 editor presentations

Narayanan Potti (27037679) | asked Jun 13 '13, 1:52 p.m.
I have RTC 4.0.1 installed on Windows Server 2008.

I need to create a custom workitem Change Request to synchronize with CQ record. I've added custom attributes and enumerations. I need help with presentation.

1. There are 9 editor presentations each of the name starts with What are these editor presentations used for ? I could not find the details in articles.
2. Is it  best practice / recommended approach to create new editor presentation for new work item type ?
3. My understand is if the default editor presentation is edited and new attributes are added to it they will appear in the work item types that use default presentaion. Is that correct ?

Any help is much aprpeciated.


2 answers

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jun 13 '13, 2:37 p.m.
Hello Narayanan,

The following article should be a good starting point.

And if an existing presentation is changed, the following tech note describes what actions need to be taken so existing workItems will get synced up with the new presentation.

Narayanan Potti commented Jun 13 '13, 3:12 p.m.

Thanks a lot your response, Abraham. I did go thru the article 130. I couldn't find the specific informaiton for my situaiton.  I need to create RTC work item with the same fields as CQ record to get CQ Synchronizer working. 

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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered Jun 13 '13, 2:49 p.m.
Hi Narayan, the editor presentation are basically user interfaces for both eclipse and web clients.. Generally each workitem type can have 4 different editor presentations. The purpose of each editor presentation is mentioned here.

You may notice that if you select different Work item types like Defects, Tasks etc the editor presentations changes in the respective lists. Hence, if you are creating custom workitem types as you mentioned and you are not going to use the workitem type for which the default workitem editor is used then you can use the existing one else it is better to create a new one.
As the primary interface your custom workitem type will use the presentation editor which will be selected in the "Work Item Editor" list and the same is true for other editor presentations as well. So, Add the attributes only in the editor presentations which is selected for your custom workitem type.

Narayanan Potti commented Jun 13 '13, 3:06 p.m.


Thanks a lot for your detailed response. Currently there's no plan to use other existing work items. So I guess I can modify an existing editor presentation instead of adding a new one. 

 - Narayanan

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