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How can I resolve a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException" error for a newly created and deployed particpant?

I have configured my development environment according to the Extensions Workshop. I built the update site project in Eclipse, included the feature, and built the site. I shut down the server, copied the features and plug-ins folder and site.xml over to a newly created update-parent-site folder under server/ccm/conf/sites and created a new update-parent-site.ini file in server/ccm/conf/provisioning-profiles and set it to point to the new site folder and used the feature id of "com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.feature" as shown below:
The server was reset and then restarted. The servers provisioning status shows the feature being provisioned as shown below:
CRJAZ0303I The profile install from "file:ccm/sites/parent-update-site" was started at "Wed Dec 07 11:16:35 EST 2016".
CRJAZ0300I This feature is being installed: "com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.feature_1.0.0.201612061622".
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/C%3a/RTC60Dev/installs/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/parent-update-site/plugins/com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.common_1.0.0.201612061622.jar".
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/C%3a/RTC60Dev/installs/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/parent-update-site/plugins/com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.participant_1.0.0.201612061622.jar".
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/C%3a/RTC60Dev/installs/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/parent-update-site/plugins/com.ibm.js.team.api.workitem.common.utils_1.0.0.201612061622.jar".
I was able to create a new project area in Eclipse based on the Scrum template and then was able to see and add the participant as a follow-up action. After I did so and logged into the new project area I received and error stating " Unable to instantiate participant com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.participant.updateparentduration. CRJAZ6011E" when I tried to save a story work item.
When I looked in the ccm log file I found this:
2016-12-07 12:24:53,412 [Default Executor-thread-1287 @@ 12:24 myadmin <com.ibm.team.process.editProjectArea/Save@70f1b848-0104-4d7f-8db8-456cac819474> /ccm/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/projectArea] ERROR t.internal.registry.AbstractActivationManagerOwner - CRJAZ1093E The "com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.participant.UpdateParentState" feature could not start.
com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1107I The implementation class "com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.participant.UpdateParentState" could not loaded from the bundle "com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.participant".
as well as this:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.js.team.workitem.extension.updateparent.participant.UpdateParentState
This is with RTC 6.0.1
Thank you for any assistance provided.
One answer


Thank you Ralph,
The provisioning profile is located @ C:\RTC60Dev\installs\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\ccm\provision_profiles\ parent-update-site.ini and the site is @C:\RTC60Dev\installs\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\ccm\sites\parent-update-site. The contents of the parent-update-site.ini file are below:
I assumed the featureid is the same as the name of the feature package that I imported.
Also, I only added the UpdateParentDuration participant to the process config not the UpdateParentState. Does it matter?
If I can eliminate the ini file as the problem then I can turn my attention to looking in the features and plug-ins folders. They contain the following:

I don't kow and can't tell what is wrong. ZThe ini file seems to be OK. The feature is found - otherwise the server would crash.


Does the stuff work on Jetty? Ijust downloaded the stuff and it looks OK to me.


If it works on Jetty, it can't be an issue with the import. It is a packaging and deployment issue then. Delete the generated files and folders in the feature/update site project and rebuild and redeploy.


Hi Ralph,

I just ran the UpdateParentDurantion from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12668004/UpdateParentParticipants/20121127_UpdateParentParticipants.zip on 6.0.1 under Jetty.
It works. I can debug all the steps under Jetty. There is an issue if you run on time remaining mode that needs inspection. The error message in the server console is pretty clear it complains about inconsistent data in time remaining and estimate. This needs to be looked at. But this is an example and not a production ready tool.
If you run on Jetty and are still unable to debug this after running the extensions workshop, and rely on commenting and poking in the mud and are unable to provide more useful information, I am afraid, this is beyond your capabilities and I don't think you will be able to get this running.
Consulting might be a solution.

Thank you Ralph,

- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12668004/UpdateParentParticipants/20121127_UpdateParentParticipants.zip is the download file from the post it is from November 27 2012 and it is the only one since then.
- See the disclaimer and the last remark <cite on> Now we have the most important code for the plugin. You should be able to get it working. Please remember that there is few error handling at this point. You might want to enhance this.<cite off>
the examples are as simple as possible, bare minimum so that inexperienced users are not lost in all the decoration.
- The team advisor shows an unhanded exception and the Jetty Console shows the exceptions one can read the text you can't miss it during debugging
- Yes they are totally unrelated, they are just shipped together for my and potentially others convenience

Thank you for the information.

- Yes. Estimate and Time remaining attribute depend on each other. The calculation assumes time spent mode and does not calculate right. Work Item save fails because there is a check in the background. See related exceptions in the server console/log.