How can I resolve a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException" error for a newly created and deployed particpant?
I have a newly created participant that updates the parent with the accumulated hours from it's children. The code is from the blog:
I have configured my development environment according to the Extensions Workshop. I built the update site project in Eclipse, included the feature, and built the site. I shut down the server, copied the features and plug-ins folder and site.xml over to a newly created update-parent-site folder under server/ccm/conf/sites and created a new update-parent-site.ini file in server/ccm/conf/provisioning-profiles and set it to point to the new site folder and used the feature id of "" as shown below: url=file:ccm/sites/parent-update-site The server was reset and then restarted. The servers provisioning status shows the feature being provisioned as shown below: CRJAZ0303I The profile install from "file:ccm/sites/parent-update-site" was started at "Wed Dec 07 11:16:35 EST 2016". CRJAZ0300I This feature is being installed: "". CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/C%3a/RTC60Dev/installs/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/parent-update-site/plugins/". CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/C%3a/RTC60Dev/installs/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/parent-update-site/plugins/". CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/C%3a/RTC60Dev/installs/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/parent-update-site/plugins/". I was able to create a new project area in Eclipse based on the Scrum template and then was able to see and add the participant as a follow-up action. After I did so and logged into the new project area I received and error stating " Unable to instantiate participant CRJAZ6011E" when I tried to save a story work item. When I looked in the ccm log file I found this: 2016-12-07 12:24:53,412 [Default Executor-thread-1287 @@ 12:24 myadmin <> /ccm/service/] ERROR t.internal.registry.AbstractActivationManagerOwner - CRJAZ1093E The "" feature could not start. CRJAZ1107I The implementation class "" could not loaded from the bundle "". as well as this: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: This is with RTC 6.0.1 Thank you for any assistance provided. |
One answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Dec 08 '16, 4:53 a.m.
The error message is pretty clear and means that the class can not be found. So you were unsuccessful in creating/building the feature or there is a typo somewhere. The problem is somewhere in your .ini file or more likely in the contents of the plugins and features (folders) created when building the content for the site folder.
Ryan McBryde
commented Dec 08 '16, 9:41 a.m.
Thank you Ralph,
Ralph Schoon
commented Dec 08 '16, 12:12 p.m.
I don't kow and can't tell what is wrong. ZThe ini file seems to be OK. The feature is found - otherwise the server would crash.
You can use 7zip to look into the jar files. has to contain a bin folder with the classes in there. In the plugin.xml - build section make sure to include the binaries and the plugin.xml.
Ryan McBryde
commented Dec 08 '16, 1:45 p.m.
I think that I have found the source of the problem and it is elementary. Not sure why but when I unzipped thefolder, 20121127_UpdateParentParticipants, I got 6 folders, including and there are 3 java files under the src folder there; \20121127_UpdateParentParticipants\\src\com\ibm\js\team\workitem\extension\updateparent\participant, including the,, and
After importing though, when I look at the src folder under / I see a small box icon with the same name but has nothing underneath it and if I compare to an environment on my laptop the 3 java files are supposed to be there. I deleted the project and re-imported it and got the same results.
Any ideas?
Ralph Schoon
commented Dec 08 '16, 2:25 p.m.
| edited Dec 08 '16, 2:30 p.m.
Does the stuff work on Jetty? Ijust downloaded the stuff and it looks OK to me.
Ryan McBryde
commented Dec 08 '16, 5:47 p.m.
I will have to try it again in Jetty in my sandbox environemnt.
Everything works fine on Jetty on my laptop,
What I am seeing is when I import the participant via File->Import->General->Existing Projects is that there are no Java files (i expect to see 3 of them) under the package
This is what I am seeing in my sandox env but when I do it on my laptop the files show up in the package. I will check Jetty in the Sanbox and let you know. As I understand it if those 3 java files are not there then this should not work on the Jetty server in my sandbox, yes?
If it works on Jetty, it can't be an issue with the import. It is a packaging and deployment issue then. Delete the generated files and folders in the feature/update site project and rebuild and redeploy.
Ryan McBryde
commented Dec 16 '16, 2:25 p.m.
I have been able to get it to run in the Jetty server and also on the machine hosting my RTC Dev environment. When the child task is saved, it updates the parent story with its hours added to the hours of all the other child tasks. However I have also noticed some apparently anomalous behavior which I believe is unintended. Once I have added the UpdateParent participant to a projects process config, I cannot save a Task that has a different value for Estimate and Time Remaining. I get a message stating that "Exception running followup action. An unhandled exception occurred during "UpdateParentDuration". Time remaining is not valid."
This also occurs if I try to change the value for Time Remaining to something different than the value for Estimate after saving the Task record.
Have you seen this before and if so, what corrective action should I take?
Thank you
Ryan McBryde
commented Jan 11 '17, 4:14 p.m.
Hi Ralph,
I have run this participant thru the Jetty debug server, stepping through the code line by line. I have found that if I comment out the majority of the getDuration method in, then the error goes away and the plug-in seems to function correctly. When I say the "majority" I mean that I only leave the setting of duration to 0 and the returning of duration. Any ideas why this would be the case? Digging further it appears that the error is not coming from any of the child work items but instead when the code attempts to update the parent and specifically where it is checking to make sure that it doesn't update recursively, As best that I can determine with my limited Java knowledge, it seems to be happening here,
"IStatus saveStatus = fWorkItemServer.saveWorkItem3(parent, null, null, additionalParams);"
Any help would be appreciated. If I can't get this work, they are going to scrap it.
Thank you
Ralph Schoon
commented Jan 12 '17, 5:40 a.m.
| edited Jan 12 '17, 5:43 a.m.
I just ran the UpdateParentDurantion from on 6.0.1 under Jetty.
Ryan McBryde
commented Jan 12 '17, 10:58 a.m.
Thank you Ralph,
And this may indeed be beyond my capabilities. I have 4 questions related to your last comment and then will leave you alone.
1. Based on the name, is the zip file you mention, the same as the one I downloaded named 20121127_UpdateParentParticipants?
2. "not a production ready tool" - does this mean that this code is not ready to be used in a production environment?
3. "There is an issue if you run in time remaining mode that needs inspection." How can I determine if I am in that mode or time spent mode? Are you saying that if I am in remaining mode then the code won't work?
4. Can the UpdateParentDuration participant be deployed and used WITHOUT the UpdateParentState participant also being deployed and used?
Thank you for your help thus far!
Ralph Schoon
commented Jan 12 '17, 11:44 a.m.
| edited Jan 12 '17, 11:48 a.m.
Ryan McBryde
commented Jan 12 '17, 1:09 p.m.
Thank you for the information.
2. I plan to add error handling and other logic, (To make it specific to a work item type of Story, for example), once I can get it to work, so I do understand that it not production ready as is. Thank you for the reminder.
3. Not sure that I understand this as it relates to the time remaining/spent question. From what I can see in the project configuration of my testing project area, under Process Config->Project Config->Configuration Data->Planning->General there is a "Time Estimates" setting and mine is currently set to "Time Remaining".
Is that what you were referring to when you said "There is an issue if you run on time remaining mode that needs inspection." Would switching that to "Time Spent" remove the "issue" that you are referring to?
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