[closed] Windows shell connection issue.
CLM 604
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by tribexx Apr 04 '18, 10:02 p.m.
One answer
Priyadarshini Gorur
Comments Hi Mahari, are you on Windows 10? We had a question specific to Windows 10 at https://jazz.net/forum/questions/248517/why-does-rtc-shell-client-605-log-in-hang-in-windows-10-is-there-a-solution and enabling TLS 1.2 resolved the problem. We are in the process of updating our documentation to include this, so it'll help to know if you are on Windows 10 too.
Hi Mahari, that's great! We had a question specific to Windows 10 at https://jazz.net/forum/questions/248517/why-does-rtc-shell-client-605-log-in-hang-in-windows-10-is-there-a-solution and enabling TLS 1.2 resolved the problem.
Mahari Hill
commented Apr 04 '18, 10:02 p.m.
My thought is that the explanation is leaving out so many details and is so fuzzy that . As long as you don't put in a lot more effort, I don't see how anybody could come up with something.
Hi Mahari,
Which version of Windows are you on? Can you enable Verbose logging, and see what's in the trace file? You can do that from Shell preferences: