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Is there a possibilty to get all test environments with summary and description by one rest api request?

Dani Simon (70114) | asked Mar 20 '18, 8:00 a.m.


I'd like to get the description and summary of all environments with one rest api request. Is that possible?

I tried it with "...qm/service/", but then I've got all environments, but unfortunately the tag "summary" was empty and description was missing.

Is there another way - besides requesting each environment by identifier?

thanks for help,

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 20 '18, 8:45 p.m.

There are two ways to do that.
1. Append ?abbreviate=false to the request URL.
2. Append ?fields=feed/entry/content/configuration/* to the request URL, which implies (abbreviate=false).

Note that there are two "summary" attributes in the response, and you want to check the <ns2:summary> attribute.

Dani Simon selected this answer as the correct answer

Dani Simon commented Mar 21 '18, 3:44 a.m.

thanks a lot for your help. also thanks for your hint about two summary attributes!

it worked!
Just to sum it up, I modified the request like this: ?fields=feed/entry/content/configuration/(summary|description|name)

thanks and have a nice day,

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