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DCC showing 6.0.2 to ifix015 but it is showing ifix014.

I have installed 6.0.2 ifix015.
JTS is showing as ifix015 but DCC is showing ifix014 for some reason. Any thoughts?
I tried running the reportools <apps> -clean
But it still shows the same.
The only thing I didn't try was clearing the WAS Liberty Cache because I couldn't figure out how to do it.
One answer

There were complaints about this so this defect was filed and fixed. Automate generation of DCC iFix number
DCC was not always updating its iFix number. So you have the right DCC. Perhaps with iFix16 it will update.
Donald Nong
Mar 14 '18, 10:32 p.m.You don't need to clear the Liberty cache. Any reason you installed iFix015 instead iFix016? The latest is iFix016 and it is available in Fix Central.