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Error Installing Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence

2 answers

Sorry, the last part of the post got cropped:
CRRRA0132E: An error happened when running the script. 'com.ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.db.common.RRDIDBException: CRRRD4710E: Connection to the database cannot be established. Make sure that the connection information, the user, and credentials are valid. Make sure that the driver is properly set up and that the correct communication protocols have been configured on the database. Refer to the DBMS error message and code for details. Error Code: 4710 SQL ERROR: Cannot open database "RIDW" requested by the login. The login failed. ClientConnectionId:35486d46-71d7-43fc-86e8-4705796b405f'.
I'm using windows server 2008 RC 2 with MS SQL 2008.
Xuan Jiang
Aug 28 '13, 6:20 p.m.Are you trying to create local database? Or just setup the DW schema on an existing DB?
Felipe Hernandez
Aug 28 '13, 6:25 p.m.I'm trying to create a new Database, but I could do the schema creation too.
Xuan Jiang
Aug 28 '13, 6:31 p.m.You can create a new DB by SQL Server Management Studio first, then use RRDI setup create the schema.
BTW - 1) Your MSSQL Server should be configured as mix-authentication mode. 2) The collation of DB should be set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
Felipe Hernandez
Aug 28 '13, 7:07 p.m.The server is set up in that way (since I also have CLM installed) and for the schema how could I do that, because I tried without checking the box of create database and it failed too