Customizing RQM - Adding custom attribute on test execution record
Hi All,
Accepted answer
Hi Kunal,
You won't find them on the Test Case Execution page, but you will find them if you open the TCER diarectly before running. And also while creating any new TCER, in that dialog you will find the custom attribute for TCER. This is by design.
Krupa Gunhalkar
3 other answers
Hi Kunal,
If you click on the Categories Section of the test case execution page, you will see the Custom Attributes.
Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar
Hi Krupa,
Hi Kunal,
I guess what you need to Test Case Result Custom Attribute, if your requirement is to add some text while executing on the execution page, but not TCER Custom Attribute.
Create Test Case Result Attribute in a similar manner which you have used to create TCER custom Attribute.Now run the test case which you are intended to run. Then while you are executing steps, click on the option "Click to Expand" on the Summary section of this Execution page. Once you click on the Summary Section, you will notice the Custom Attribute Created for TCR.
Krupa Gunhalkar