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How to set available actions based on an attribute value in RTC Workitem Workflow?

Nirmal Jha (23110) | asked Mar 12 '18, 10:04 a.m.

How to set available actions based on an attribute value in RTC Workitem Workflow?

e.g. Let's assume there is an Attribute called "Impact"

Case 1 
Value of attribute Impact = "Low"
In this case the action available in the workflow should be "Start Work"

Case 2
Value of attribute Impact  = "High"
In this case the action available in the workflow should be "Start Investigate"

The end goal is that the workflow for the specific workitem type set itself up based on the value of the key attribute.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 12 '18, 10:11 a.m.
edited Mar 12 '18, 10:11 a.m.

You can not do that in RTC. This has been answered before and RTC for all I know does not provide means to make the workflow dynamic like that. RTC was designed as a lightweight work item management tool and not something that can be customized to that extend. A work item type (category) has one workflow and all of the items have the same workflow.

You can create an advisor to prevent a state change based on an attribute value or more complex rules, but you can not suppress the available actions. You can only fail the save. See as an example.

also, please follow the slides here carefully for all the other limitations that frequently come up.

Nirmal Jha selected this answer as the correct answer

Nirmal Jha commented Mar 12 '18, 10:16 a.m.

Thanks for your answer Ralph. 

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