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Questions on Personal Builds

Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | asked Mar 06 '18, 5:39 a.m.

There is a little info on how Personal Builds work in RTC(v6.x).
From Help, I see

To request a personal build that does not impact the build definition status and that runs on a repository workspace that you specify, in the Build Options pane, select Personal Build. If required, update the Repository workspace and Component load rules fields.

Note: Personal builds and component load rules are only available when the build definition editor has Rational Team Concertâ„¢ source control configured. Also, component load rules are available only when you select Load component by using a load rule file on the Jazz Source Control page of the build definition editor. Personal builds do not accept incoming changes, even if the option to accept incoming changes is enabled in the build definition.

- Does that means other than accepting the incoming changes, personal build will do everything as what build definition specifies? Which mean it can do incremental build not full build?
-  Can the user only build against selective local changes or it has to be for all local changes?I don't see any option to select the changes, I am not sure if component load rules would have feature to do that.

Thanks in advance.

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