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project source control - where are git actions

john norris (20733944) | asked Apr 15 '16, 9:05 a.m.


This is for RTC 6.0.1. I am looking at the manual - "Registering git repositories" and following I have created an ccm project and have installed node.js and have a git repository. I have set git repository access permissions on the project.

I am supposed to be able to see "git requests" under the source control heading in the side menu. But all I have is "attribute definition" and "new workspace configuration".

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?



Accepted answer

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Melissa Kivisto (2871121) | answered Apr 15 '16, 9:13 a.m.
Hi John,
Do you see the following?
john norris selected this answer as the correct answer

Melissa Kivisto commented Apr 15 '16, 9:15 a.m.

Hmmm, it doesn't look like screen shot from my 601 environment has displayed.
Under the Source Control menu from within a Project Area page, you should see itlast in the list, under a header Authorize, "Git Requests".

Melissa Kivisto commented Apr 15 '16, 9:19 a.m.

Source Control menu

john norris commented Apr 15 '16, 9:30 a.m.

Hi Melissa,

I am obviously doing something very dumb because I do not have the top menu. I am in the web on machine:9443/ccm  as an admin and choose an active project. All I have is the admin headers - Users, project areas, templates, access groups and reports. No source control.



john norris commented Apr 15 '16, 9:32 a.m.

Hi Melissa,

I am obviously doing something very dumb because I do not have the top menu. I am in the web on machine:9443/ccm  as an admin and choose an active project. All I have is the admin headers - Users, project areas, templates, access groups and reports. No source control.



john norris commented Apr 15 '16, 9:37 a.m.


It is on the project dashboard!

Many thanks Melissa

Melissa Kivisto commented Apr 15 '16, 9:38 a.m. | edited Apr 15 '16, 9:38 a.m.

 Hi John,

Try navigating to machine:9443/ccm/web then select a Project Area.  You should see the Source Control menu there.

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