REPOSITORY_ITEM_STATES grows too quickly

The tablespace RQMDATA is huge 96G! due this table that grows in terms of 3 millions records per week! during the last two months. We tryed to solve and reduce this tablespace deleting all records from the last two years, but after this we could not start CLM plus the RQM. So we had to restore from our Backup.
Can anybody suggest us what to do?
Thanks in Advance.
Can anybody suggest us what to do?
Thanks in Advance.
4 answers

Hello Isaias,
The first thing I would suggest is to reorg the DB. If this does not reduce the size of the DB, then the next action would be to query the users to determine if they recently started uploading large objects to workItems or via change sets.
The first thing I would suggest is to reorg the DB. If this does not reduce the size of the DB, then the next action would be to query the users to determine if they recently started uploading large objects to workItems or via change sets.

Hi Abraham,
I already try this option inside a copy instance without a relevant change. I found too that already someone posted last month a defect about this topic:
We are still looking for a solution and investigating what is the cause for growing so quickly.
Thanks for the answer.

In 4.0 looks like we have added ability to purge data from the DB. See the following post for more details

In RQM 4.0.4, "permanent delete" was added. Before that, deleted artifacts were not deleted from the repository and were in a sense only archived. But this new feature will allow users who are granted permission to move artifacts to the "Trash" view (archive them) and where they can be viewed and then permanently delete them from the database.
Take a look at this link:
Take a look at this link:
Given that you are growing so quickly and can delete a couple of years of data, it might be worth it to upgrade for this.
Given that you are growing so quickly and can delete a couple of years of data, it might be worth it to upgrade for this.
Hope this helps.