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How to do Visual studio RTC client configuration?

Vikash Singh (423065) | asked Jul 10 '15, 2:21 a.m.

I would like to use Visual studio 2012 IDE for SCM,Plugin creation for RTC.I have done all this with eclipse.

Is any supporting document is available for installing(RTC client for visual studio 2012) and configuring?

Thank you.

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Taki Nakajo (1.1k2946) | answered Jul 10 '15, 2:36 a.m.
I assume you want to install RTC 6.0 Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. It is as simple as you install the RTC Eclipse client.

  1. Install Visual Studio 2012.
  2. Ensure closing Visual Studio 2012.
  3. Install IBM Installation Manager  (
  4. Download RTC 6.0 Client for Microsoft Visual Studio ID from
  5. Unzip this as the repository for RTC 6.0 Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
  6. Launch IBM Installation Manager.
  7. Add the repository for RTC 6.0 Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE in the IBM Installation Manager.
  8. Install RTC 6.0 Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
  9. Launch the Microsoft Visual Studio.
  10. You will see the RTC perspective in the Microsoft Visual Studio.

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