Cleanly remove LQE from CLM installation
CLM 6.0.4 ifix 5.
Having initially installed all components for CLM 6.0.4 we now wish to cleanly remove LQE as we do not need to use it as will run reports from the Warehouse.
How do we cleanly remove LQE and as a consequence should we also remove other previously installed componentns such as RELM, LDX and GCCt?
We currently have LQE stopped in websphere.
Do we unpublish it from Websphere then Unregister the Application on the JTS Server then via Installation Manager uninstall?
Accepted answer
If you want to remove LQE, you should unregister it from JTS first, then remove it from WAS. I would not use Installation Manager to uninstall it, as last time I tried to remove a component using the Modify feature, everything else got reset.
The other components that you mentioned are not directly related to LQE, so you should treat them separately.