DNG6.0.5:Updating Workflow status by using OSLC RM v2 does not work.
I try update workflow status using standard approach from below link.
But when I submitted "PUT" , workflow value is disappeared.
Is that operation needs a kind of special method?
Steps to reproduce
0. add Workflow attribute to an artifact type
1. create an artifact with the artifact type modified in step 0.
2. Update the artifact which is created in step 1. by using OSLC RM v2
(HTTP Header)
If-Match=<value from e-tag>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://example_server:9443/rm/resources/_3ALvQeuPEeeJOYwHmtrrYg">
<j.0:DefaultWorkflow rdf:resource="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/rdm/workflow/DefaultWorkflow#com.ibm.rdm.workflow.common.complete"/>
(Actual Result)
Rest Response returns 200.
Status of workflow goes blank when showing this artifacts by Web browser.
"j.0:DefaultWorkflow" is disappears when getting the artifact information by OSLC RM v2 Rest.
(Expected Result)
Workflow Status is updated with specified parameter. e.g. com.ibm.rdm.workflow.common.complete
3 answers
Looks like you ran into a known issue, which will be resolved in DNG 6.0.6.
Link to the defect: An OSLC PUT operation removes workflow information from the requirement (120221)
Donald Nong
Jan 12 '18, 4:20 a.m.Someone asked a similar question some time ago but I cannot find it now. My experiments show that you can "remove" the workflow status by using PUT, but I have not found a way to set the value yet.
Bas Bekker
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 12 '18, 1:31 p.m.Think this is a known defect, let me try to find it.
Donald Nong
Jan 16 '18, 6:25 p.m.The other post that I mentioned earlier is the below one, just for cross-reference purpose.