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How can I create a module in DNG using the API (OSLC or any other)?

Fernando Cabrera (1527) | asked Jul 08 '19, 3:36 p.m.
I'm using version 6.0.6 of the Jazz CLM. I'm able to create Requirement Collections using the OSLC API, but haven't found a way to create Modules.

According to this ticket, if I'm not mistaken this is supported since version 6.0.4

But the Collection Creation Factory has only one resourceShape for Requirement Collection. I've tried also adding the rdf type, but it gets ignored. I can't see anything also in the Requirement Collection Resource Shape that points to a Format, which is the field used in the web GUI to define that a Requirement Collection is a Module.

2 answers

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Fabian Lomeli (1013) | answered Jul 09 '19, 12:39 p.m.
You might find out this article useful.  Look at the 'Creating artifacts' section

Fernando Cabrera commented Jul 11 '19, 7:10 a.m.

Thank you. But there is no Instance Shape for a Module.

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Andy Dennis (119) | answered Nov 04 '20, 2:33 p.m.

 How on earth do you identify the resourceShape Uri?  Resource type seems to match the URl set when you define a new artifact.  creationFactory lists all the resourceTypes.  It also lists a number of resourceShape value, but there doesn't seem to be any way of identifying which one is relevant to the resourceType.  Very confusing

Fernando Cabrera commented Feb 04 '21, 8:02 p.m.

You can use the oslc:describes predicate from the Resource Shape to identify this.

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