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Any Risk in Extending JAZZ using "WCL" for Integrating a Continuous Integration System?

Aju Samuel Raju (362710) | asked Mar 05 '15, 5:22 a.m.


I have a situation where  I have to integrate and automate a CI( Continuous Integration) process using  IBM CLM.

As there is  no options in the  existing  package to automate some of the process in CLM.  I came to know from this forum that  I can use work item command line (WCL) to automate some of the functionalities.

Now  I got a doubt that, is there any  risk involved in using " WCL" in integrating Continuous integration system     (CI server like Jenkins) using CLM.

Please  help me in this



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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 05 '15, 5:42 a.m.
The answer has been already provided in as far as I can tell.

  1. There is always a risk in using software
  2. Community provided software has no warranty and there is an increased risk to use it
  3. If you want something like this provided as purchasable, supported software you can create an enhancement request with IBM; Please be aware that there is already one:
Software can be faulty and it can create questionable and wrong data. There is always a risk, even with production code. The WCL is not production code, provided as is - with source code - so you can enhance or fix it if you like.
You can use the code and create your own solutions.

It is up to you to decide if this is acceptable. 

I don't think this discussion belongs here. A discussion if such a tool is useful and what the requirements should be could be started here and continued in an enhancement request.

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