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API to create GC Baseline

TOMI MOOLAN SOURU (133) | asked Nov 13 '23, 10:22 a.m.

 We are looking for an efficient API to create baselines in GC stream. The current API takes an hour to create baselines for large tree structure in Global Configuration. Is there any way to make it faster? We are getting GC structure by using the API https://<server-name>:9443/gc/gcsdk-api/flatListOfContributionsForGcHierarchy?configurationUri=configURL. Looking for an faster APIs to create baselines of a GC structure 

Ian Barnard commented Nov 13 '23, 12:00 p.m. | edited Nov 16 '23, 7:52 a.m.

So you're creating individual baselines, one per contribution? Can't you use Jazz API Usage Scenario: Creating a baseline which AFAIK in one operation creates a baseline throughout the hierarchy (like in the UI)

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