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Can you make an RPE Report Resource take user credentials from current user profile

Ben Sharples (813360) | asked Jun 30 '15, 8:02 a.m.
Currently I have to save user credntials (i..e username and password) within a specfication (.dtx) file which I then upload along with the RPE Template (.dta) as a report resource in QM or CCM.

Is it possible to configure the template such that it draws the user credentials from the user profile of the user logged into Jazz at the time?

Our access permissions as such that passwords change on a regular basis therefore requires frequent changes to the specification file to provide the updated password

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Alanna Zito (1.3k3) | answered Jun 30 '15, 8:32 a.m.
Hi Ben,

What version of CLM are you using?  When you run an RPE report on the server, it is already supposed to run as the logged in user, with no need to upload a user name and password.  If your report contains dynamic data sources, there is a bit of additional configuration you need to do in your template; but otherwise, it should just work transparently.  Have you tried running your report without uploading the *.dsx?  Do you get any authentication errors?

Ben Sharples commented Jun 30 '15, 9:37 a.m.

I'm currently using CLM 4.0.6

My reports contain a number of different data sources, (I have one which uses numerous elements from RQM as well DOORS NG and RTC)

I've tried not including the .dsx and I get a Jazz OAuth error (when running from RPE document launcher its the same error as if forgot to enter user credentials)

For each of my datasource configurations I've set them to inherit settings from the feed datasource (they are all configured as uri only) as the URI is gneerally defined as a script on each datasource configuration

Ben Sharples commented Jun 30 '15, 9:37 a.m.

I'm currently using CLM 4.0.6

My reports contain a number of different data sources, (I have one which uses numerous elements from RQM as well DOORS NG and RTC)

I've tried not including the .dsx and I get a Jazz OAuth error (when running from RPE document launcher its the same error as if forgot to enter user credentials)

For each of my datasource configurations I've set them to inherit settings from the feed datasource (they are all configured as uri only) as the URI is gneerally defined as a script on each datasource configuration

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