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how can we merge one stream to another stream automatically?

Satish Narayanachar (96426) | asked Dec 06 '17, 11:40 a.m.

Hi All,

Scenario is below.

I have 2 stream Stream A and stream B both are having same set of files and different developers modifies the files on both the streams.

I want to merge changes from stream B to stream A automatically how can I achieve this?

Since there would be conflicts if modification is done on both the streams I cannot go with post build deliver option.

Please suggest a way on how I can achieve this, I want to trigger mail to developers whenever there is any conflict.



Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 07 '17, 3:41 a.m.

If there are potential conflicts you can not automatically merge them. Once we have that technology, we won't need developers any more.

You can try to use the SCM Command Line - try lscm as search term in the product documentation - and compare the streams and react to the outcome. You would probably need a custom API client if you want to send mails.

Satish Narayanachar selected this answer as the correct answer

Satish Narayanachar commented Dec 07 '17, 7:55 a.m.

HI Ralph,

I do not want to automatically merge if any potential conflicts, all I wanted was if any potential conflicts it should stop the script and send out mail to developer saying there is a conflict.

I will try the way as per your suggestion.



One other answer

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frank grapengiesser (217) | answered Oct 23 '18, 8:55 a.m.
There is now a request for enhancement for a public merge API:
Please vote for this RFE.  Thanks

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