RTC workitems report in RPE
3 answers
Hi Sreenath,
1. Here is the example of Reportable REST query to get all links for workitem 40.
In RPE Workitem datasource, it is located in workitem/workItem/auditableLinks///
Set a native filter using auditableLinks[name='com.ibm.team.workitem.linktype.... ] or RPE filter to limit to child relationship.
2. Likewise, here is the all info you can get from workitem 40.
I cannot find Team Area name either. Perhaps this is a limitation of RTC (not RPE).
I got the solution,
as you said it is to get report just for a workitem.
https://ucd-demo:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/itemId=_2_rzIbyMEeiBc_6BcdfL8w and type/id='task']/(type/*|id|summary|reportableUrl|children/*|children/type/*)
if u use this we will able to get report of all work item as a query.
Hi Kenji, Sreenath,
I am trying to get linked work items information using https://server/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[id=40]/auditableLinks/targetRef//referencedItem/reportableUrl as mentioned above but it is not working for me.. Report generation process ends up with the errors: Can not access to the OAuthentication URL.
If it's working for you, could you please guide me on this?