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generation result under source controle automated

Fons Maathuis (25417) | asked Oct 22 '18, 10:12 a.m.
edited Oct 22 '18, 11:02 a.m.

Hi all, 

For generating COBOL-screens we use two methods. First method is using Screen Definition Language (SDL). We've made a language definition for this, which works fine. Second method is using Proto. This is a company specific method, resulting in a proto-file. A proto-file needs to be generated to a sdl-file, so it can be compiled with the sdl-LD. We've also made a proto-LD, which produces a SDL-file.

I want to use the generation-result from the proto-LD as input for the sdl-LD. To do so I need to have that result brought under source-control, checked-in and delivered. 

But how can I get a sdl-file that is generated from the proto-file, under source-control, checked-in and delivered? 
Most convenient would be to generate the proto-file to a sdl-file and put this in the build-workspace under source controle

We're using RTC 6.0.6 (and ID/z 14.1.4)

hope someone can help me



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