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Installation fails

Sonia Vazquez (11) | asked Sep 28 '09, 6:45 a.m.
The installation takes several hours (almost 4 hrs) and at the end of the process we get the following error message. Attached are the logs & screenshot.

Date 24-09-09
"Error durante la fase "instalar":
Error al ejecutar la operacin
"C:\IBM\Rational Insight/cognos/bin/C8SE_config_C8.bat" (estado=2)
Consulte las anotaciones de salida del agente para obtener ms informacin:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\IBM\Installation Manager\logs\native\log_20090924_1710"

------ log_20090924_1710-------
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (Audit.RTUsage.cms.CAM.CRP.jcam).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
24/09/2009,17:10:58,Err, Motivo: For input string: "${WC_defaulthost}"
24/09/2009,17:10:58,Err,Se encontraron problemas durante la validacin., El parmetro llamado 'URI de puerta de enlace' que se encuentra en 'Entorno' no es vlido actualmente., El parmetro llamado 'URI de distribuidor para puerta de enlace' que se encuentra en 'Entorno' no es vlido actualmente., El parmetro llamado 'URI de distribuidor externo' que se encuentra en 'Entorno' no es vlido actualmente., El parmetro llamado 'URI de distribuidor interno' que se encuentra en 'Entorno' no es vlido actualmente., El parmetro llamado 'URI de distribuidor para aplicaciones externas' que se encuentra en 'Entorno' no es vlido actualmente., El parmetro llamado 'URI de Content Manager' que se encuentra en 'Entorno' no es vlido actualmente.

date 25/09/09
"Error durante la fase "instalar":
Error al ejecutar la operacin
"C:\IBM\Rational Insight/cognos/bin/C8SE_config_C8.bat" (estado=10)
Consulte las anotaciones de salida del agente para obtener ms informacin:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\IBM\Installation Manager\logs\native\20090925_1002.log"
The log 20090925_1002.log isn't in the system.

4 answers

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Mark Victory (26635) | answered Nov 18 '09, 1:03 p.m.

Did you ever find a solution to this problem?

Someone else is seeing it and I'm hoping if you found a solution it would work for them also.


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Lawrence Mandel (51121) | answered Nov 23 '09, 2:28 p.m.
My apologies for not seeing this post until now.

If this is still a problem, can you provide more details about your environment? What OS are you installing on? What components did you select? Which version of Rational Insight are you installing?

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Mithila Nayak (8672) | answered Dec 28 '09, 6:03 a.m.

I am getting error when I try to import a file saved as .xml
Error : The uploaded content does not match the xml schema for requirements.

Could anyone tell me if there is a particular schema to import the docs? If yes, what is it or where can I find more details on it?

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Lawrence Mandel (51121) | answered Jan 04 '10, 12:19 p.m.
This is a forum for the executive dashboard and Rational Insight. From the subject of your post it sounds like you need assistance with Rational Quality Manager. I suggest you post to

Please include as much information as possible to reproduce the error you've encountered.

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