Is it possible to edit suite index or add test cases into a test suite during an execution?

Is it possible to insert/delete a test case into a TSER during an execution?
Sometimes the user forgets to insert a test case or needs to change the suite index into the suite and he/she only remembers during execution.
I was wondering if this is possible, otherwise we have to stop the execution, delete the execution record and then insert the test case, create an new TSER and start test all over again.
If this is not possible, is there any ER logged for this?
One answer

We have introduced roll up operation for Test Case Execution and Test Suite Execution Record in 6.0.4. You can complete the TSER execution. Then you add required test case. Run the TSER again - this time ignore all test case except the newly added ones (Test Suite Run dialog has option to ignore test cases). Once the execution is over, perform rollup operation on TSER. A new test suite result will be created which will merged result from the last executions.
Deleting test case after TSER execution is started is still not supported