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How to fix the RTC workarea installation issues included in the below description?

reenadevi p (113) | asked Nov 27 '17, 7:08 a.m.
edited Nov 27 '17, 7:11 a.m.

 Hi all,

Am the newbie to start my work  with RTC.So i installed RTC 6.0.4 in my linux operating system RHEL 7.4 version.
After my installation of RTC when i logged into the work area it is getting closed automatically.Please help me to fix with this error.

Here i attached the steps which i had followed in terminal:

(Eclipse:30469): Gtk-WARNING : Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",

(Eclipse:30469): Gtk-WARNING : Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
Unhandled exception
Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00040000
J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000080
Handler1=F6A85F2A Handler2=F6A4100A InaccessibleAddress=00000000
EDI=F74631F8 ESI=F74630B8 EAX=F7464144 EBX=CDA44000
ECX=00000000 EDX=F7462FEC
EIP=CD957FAE ES=002B DS=002B ESP=F7462F7C
EFlags=00210286 CS=0023 SS=002B EBP=F7463560
Target=2_60_20170111_332921 (Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64)
CPU=x86 (4 logical CPUs) (0x1e0427000 RAM)
----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
(0xF6A31110 [])
(0xF6A41B15 [])
(0xF6A30E01 [])
(0xF6A30EF5 [])
(0xF6A30A04 [])
(0xF6A41B15 [])
(0xF6A30973 [])
(0xF6A85355 [])
(0xF6A41B15 [])
(0xF6A8565E [])
(0xF6A85F78 [])
(0xF6A411DE [])
__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0 (0xF7707410)
(0x00000D80 [<unknown>+0x0])
JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "gpf", detail "" at 2017/11/27 17:34:25 - please wait.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using '/home/reenadevi/Desktop/reena/softwares/jazz/core.20171127.173425.30469.0001.dmp' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I System dump written to /home/reenadevi/Desktop/reena/softwares/jazz/core.20171127.173425.30469.0001.dmp
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/home/reenadevi/Desktop/reena/softwares/jazz/javacore.20171127.173425.30469.0002.txt' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /home/reenadevi/Desktop/reena/softwares/jazz/javacore.20171127.173425.30469.0002.txt
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/home/reenadevi/Desktop/reena/softwares/jazz/Snap.20171127.173425.30469.0003.trc' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /home/reenadevi/Desktop/reena/softwares/jazz/Snap.20171127.173425.30469.0003.trc
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "gpf", detail "".

(Eclipse:30468): Gtk-WARNING : Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",

(Eclipse:30468): Gtk-WARNING : Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 27 '17, 8:15 p.m.

It could be just an Eclipse thing. There is a very popular post on this forum addressing similar issues.

You can try some of the solutions mentioned there. Otherwise, you can also try to Google "eclipse crash /lib/ gpf" and try with the whatever the solutions you can find.

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