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IBM Rational Team Concert 6.x Extensibility workshop: Import of plugins fails

Stephan Gambke (134) | asked Nov 24 '17, 11:44 p.m.
edited Nov 24 '17, 11:46 p.m.

I am going through the IBM Rational Team Concert 6.x Extensibility workshop. Everything works fine until I am trying to import the plugins for Jetty based launches (item __31. starting on page 37). When I run the import wizard it always comes up with an empty list.

I think I followed the instructions exactly with two deviations:

  • I installed everything in C:\Users\Stephan Gambke\RTC603Dev\ instead if C:\RTC603Dev\
  • I use the included JRE 1.7 for RTC, but JRE 1.8 for Eclipse Oxygen. (To make up for that I registered the JRE 1.7 in Eclipse under Preferences > Installed JREs and used it for the Target Platform)

Did I miss anything?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 27 '17, 2:37 a.m.
  1. Make sure to use the server workspace
  2. As mentioned in the workshop, use the Java version that is shipped with the server
  3. Try using a compatible version of Eclipse, before you become adventurous


  4. Use short paths - Windows is still not really capable of handling longer paths that you get with the SDK
  5. Avoid spaces in paths, they should not b a problem, but I have seen issues more often than not

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