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Data Recovery from RQM 2.0.1

David Beange (111364101) | asked Nov 16 '17, 4:58 a.m.
edited Nov 16 '17, 5:41 a.m.

Bit of a long shot given the age and version of RQM but after help.
We have and old RQM instance at v2.0.1 that was being kept for regulatory needs. (probably should have been upgraded regardless) However the systems have crashed and we are struggling to get the servers restored from backup images and it is looking like we would need to install from scratch.

If we build a new app server at 2.0.1 and a DB2 server at correct version then restore the database, Is there anything specific we need to do to get the application back up and recovered?
Alternatively, if we recover the DB table can we run any sql queries agaisnt it and get meaningful information back? Specifically its Test Execution results we need to see.

Thanks in hope.

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Dec 01 '17, 10:13 a.m.

"If we build a new app server at 2.0.1 and a DB2 server at correct version then restore the database, Is there anything specific we need to do to get the application back up and recovered?
This would be the first approach I would take; you'll need too ensure the configuration files are pointing to the existing DB server you restored. If the DB is has been restored and functioning, you should be able to connect via RQM and access your data

"Alternatively, if we recover the DB table can we run any sql queries against it and get meaningful information back? Specifically its Test Execution results we need to see. "
This would depend on what you consider 'meaningful'; you could certainly access the data from the tables, but piecing it together in a meaning fashion could potentially be difficult

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