RTC access management

my client has custom role called RTC_Access with specific RTC permissions used exclusively by projects to add/remove and change roles at RTC Project or Team Area level. That works well but there is one issue, let me explain.
In total there are around 5 different RTC custom role defined .i.e RTC_Access, Stakeholder, Developer, Project_Admin and ReleaseManager. the custom Project_Admin role is designed to be role with greater powers which we don’t want someone with RTC_Access role to assign another user.
In simple terms, A user with RTC_Access role should not be allowed to assign another user with Project_Admin role.
Is this possible process template change ?
One answer

There is no out-of-the-box way to specify this. You would need to implement your own custom pre-condition of the process-area-save operation.

thanks. can you elaborate bit plz on what you mean by implement your own custom pre-condition of the process-area-save operation...can you point to any related jazz article? . do you mean process template change? client already has a custom process template in use and not using out of box process template.