Everyone role operational behavior taking precedence over other roles?

We are having an issue with Operation Behavior inheritence in RTC, all part of the Save Work Item (Server) behavior sets. Let me paint the picture:
3 answers

Hi June,
A user has one (every user has the Everyone role) or more roles configured if he is member of a project or team area. The roles have an order, from top to bottom. The first configured operational behavior for the first role in that order that is found in the context of an operation will be executed. Only that first found operational behavior will be executed.The idea behind this concept is, that it is possible to overwrite the operational behavior by having specific roles in a specific order.

Thanks Lukas.
This is really important and the details can be found here Process behavior lookup in Rational Team Concert 2.0 and in the linked article.

Unfortunately we've already run through that doc and looked into role order. It appeared to fix the issue at first but it still seems to randomly fail. Only one role is configured as well so by that document's description of how things are queued, it should work either way.

I am not sure what the problem is. The description is nice, but I seem to be unable to identify the part that creates the problem. I have seen claims that this somehow does not work in the past. Most of them resolved to be a user problem.
I know the roles are not additive, but I believe any role should take precedence over "Everyone" and any user assigned the role at any level of the project area would have that role's operation behavior take effect.
It is really important to look into the article https://jazz.net/library/article/292 .
The operational behavior only executes the first configured operation for the role in the order it is set to the user.
Just checking the box that operational behavior is configured (even if nothing is configured) is enough.
The process area that owns the element that is changed is the one that the role search starts.

As noted in my post I did read the article 292 and it didn't quite cover this use case. Normally I find checking the box to be enough; for example, I check the box on Administrator to override various required fields and such when doing unusual bulk operations. I forgot to add to my diagnostics steps that we did indeed change the order of roles to ensure Role A was at the top, though as Role B C etc are not configured and only Everyone needs to be superceded it shouldn't realllly matter. First time we reordered roles, it appeared to fix it and then it stopped.