Is there a way to determine if file is added/deleted (RTC 3.0.1)?
One answer
I'm just looking through the GenerateChangeLogTask source and found an optional attribute "showFileChanges". The javadoc reads,
<li><b>showFileChanges</b> - If <code>true</code>, file level changes will be
shown in the change log, <code>false</code> by default.</li>
Would it be easy for you to try that out?
Thanks Scott for your reply. With the "showFileChanges" flag on, I am able to see which file is changed, but it doesn't tell me what the change is (add, delete, or modify). Any suggestion?
In the interim, probably the simplest would be to check on disk (after the load) whether the file still exists.
1 vote
Was an enhancement request ever added for this ability? If so, has it been planned for a delivery? When we audit our software we are required to state if the file was added, modified or deleted. It shows up with the icon on the change explorer tab but when it is exported as a changelog that information is not exported. I am running 4.0.6 and I am hoping to upgrade later this year. This functionality is important to our process and would be a decision maker for when and what version we upgrade to.