Quality Manager 6.0.2: Artifact Templates created in "Master" project not appearin in Slave Project: Using the "Use the process configuration from another project area for this project area" option
I want to use the "Use the process configuration from another project area for this project area" option when creating a new Quality Manager project, but it doesn't seem to work for the Artifact Templates.
Permissions work fine, but the New Test Case and Test Plan templates created in the "Master" project are not present in the "Slave" one
What am I doing wrong?
One answer
Nothing :-). QM Templates, like many other things, don't propagate from a master project. Recreating them is a fairly simple process, though a pain.
OK - thanks for the reassurance that I'm doing nothing wrong.
Seems like a bug or a missed opportunity though, why wouldn't you want to also inherit the templates or at least acquire templates from the master project area. The idea would be to give project a few starter templates, but let them modify them. I guess this could be achieved by instantiating the project from a company process template and then updating any process stuff through the master to slave project link.