RTC integration with GIT using BITBUCKET
I am trying to integrate RTC 6.0.3 with GIT were we are maintaining repositories in BITBUCKET.
I have followed a IBM TECH NOTE where its specified to use node.js but later I found that in the document they are maintaining the repositories in GIT only but in my case I am maintaining in BITBUCKET.
Can anyone let me know the procedure for integrating RTC 6.0.3 with GIT using BITBUCKET and also do LDAP is mandatory for this configuration.
2 answers
Hi Arun
I saw that 702/703 do support integration with BitBucket
see Integrating with Bitbucket - https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/elm/7.0.2?topic=git-integrating-bitbucket
RTC and Git currently only support integration to GitLab, GitHub, Gerrit ( https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.5/com.ibm.team.connector.cq.doc/topics/c_integ_git.html ). For an explicit integration to BitBucket you either have to write a custom integration or file an enhancement request.
- Arne