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add header information to source code upon delivery for RTC 6.0.3

I am relatively new to RTC.
I am porting ClearCase code (C, CPP) to RTC.
There is a requirement that executable contain check-in information for each file.
A string command is performed to list all source code files that were used to build executable.
In the ClearCase configuration process, a string header is added to each source code file.
The header include the following information.
Name of file
Path of file.
Check-in status ( checked-in/check-out)
Check-in date.
Coder's id.
In RTC this header should be added when:
code files are copied to sandbox
code files are delivered.
How would one implement this capability in RTC?
One answer

I am not aware of a feature in RTC, that would generate information into source code files under SCM, if that is what you ask for.
The information you ask for is in the SCM data, but there are no macros etc available to generate them into files like very classic UNIX scm tools supported.

Thanks for you reply.
I found this post which enables addition of static text using pre-condition.
It is possible to extend SDK precondition to add SCM data?

An advisor must only allow or prevent, not modify. A follow up can not modify the code without a new check in. I think no.

If not possible on delivery, is modify possible on check-in?