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What are the various exporting and importing options available for Rational Quality Manager 6.0.3?

Joanna Rowzie (132) | asked Sep 14 '17, 2:48 p.m.

Can you export test cases, test scripts and/or defects information to MS Excel, MS Word, and Adobe PDF?  

Can you import test cases, test scripts and/or defects from MS Word or MS Excel?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Sep 15 '17, 12:42 a.m.

Hi, Joanna

Defect is handled by RTC in IBM CLM and defect work item should be able to be exported to csv and imported back to RTC as csv.
Individual test case, test scripts can be exported to PDF. A list view of test case and test script can be exported to PDF and csv, the info of list view export is limited.

TestCase and TestScript may be able to export to csv file via offline run option (that is, you can run the script off line and then import the results back to RQM), this requires RQMExcelImporter.

Using RQMExcelImporter you can also import xls file to create test assets, including TestCase and Test Script.
More details on this tool refers to:

You can find plenty of discussions on this tool in the forum.

Joanna Rowzie selected this answer as the correct answer

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