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CLM 5.0.2 and RRDI migration

Naveen V (791759) | asked Sep 12 '17, 2:33 p.m.


Can anyone please guide me how to migrate RRDI from one server to another? Let me give you little bit more details. I have CLM 5.0.2 hosted along with RRDI in Xyz server now we are planing to migrate to abc server but public URL will be remain same. I am asking my system admin to have the same alias for new abc server. So want to know how I can migrate the RRDI along with my CLM 5.0.2.

I am doing the following steps for CLM 5.0.2 migration
1) Have the same alias name for ABC server as similar as old (xyz) server
2) Copy the CLM 5.0.2 install from xyz to ABC server
3) Install WAS and then backup the WAS profile from xyz server and then restore in abc server.
4) start the WAS profile as the public URL and ports are same.

Does this work for me CLM 5.0.2 migration.. and also looking for RRDI migration details. 

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