Rational License Key Server Admin and Reporting Tool RCL - Error pushing data java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
I have setup CLM 6.0.4 and loaded agent on it. I have a seperate server which has Rational License Key Server Admin and Reporting Tool on it. All the services are started as root. I see the following error in the log:
ERROR 2017-09-07T16:16:00,055 [Data_Pull572][com.ibm.rcl.data.LicenseDataManager][420] - Error pushing data
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1402) ~[?:?]
at com.ibm.rcl.data.LicenseServerFeatureSupportFact.AssembleStringForSP(LicenseServerFeatureSupportFact.java:235) ~[classes/:?]
at com.ibm.rcl.data.LicenseDataManager.callSP(LicenseDataManager.java:385) ~[classes/:?]
at com.ibm.rcl.data.LicenseDataManager.pushDataToDBThroughSP(LicenseDataManager.java:409) [classes/:?]
at com.ibm.rcl.data.pull.DataPullThread.run(DataPullThread.java:86) [classes/:?]
ERROR 2017-09-07T16:16:00,056 [Data_Pull572][com.ibm.rcl.data.pull.DataPullThread][124] - Error while pulling from
AgentData[clm.sample.com_4080 'Thu Sep 07 15:29:20 EDT 2017' (UF_20170901_0051_04_107, 28) (UF_20170901_0051_04_107, 31) 0]
ERROR 2017-09-07T16:16:02,770 [LargeThreadPool-thread-362]
Any ideas?
2 answers
When using the Java substring() method, a subset of the character sequence can be extracted from a string. The substring index must be any value from 0 to the length of a string. The java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by String methods to indicate that the beginIndex is negative , or endIndex is larger than the length of this String object, or beginIndex is larger than endIndex.
How to solve the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- Check the length of the string before using substring()
- Exception handling using try...catch.